Make On-the-Go Choices with Ease
UnstuQ is a groundbreaking social decision-making application designed to simplify and enhance how groups make choices. UnstuQ is your go-to solution, whether figuring out where to dine or planning an exciting date night. This innovative platform allows you to match restaurants, movies, attractions, date ideas, and more, ensuring that the decision-making process becomes collaborative and enjoyable. UnstuQ is not just an app; it’s a dynamic tool for planning, exploring, and creating lasting memories.
Improved Customer ExperienceChallenges Solutions
Incorporating external APIs like 'TheMovieDb' and 'TripAdvisor' with the variations in data structures.Implemented robust error handling and established a flexible data processing mechanism to adapt to changes in external APIs. -
Implementing a secure user authentication system with SMS verification while ensuring a seamless user experience and privacy concerns.Prioritized a user-friendly authentication process, addressing privacy concerns through transparent communication. -
Developing the app for both Flutter (mobile) and Laravel (web), needing synchronisation and consistency maintenance across platforms.Leveraged the capabilities of Flutter for cross-platform development, adhering to the best industry practices and maintaining a standardized codebase for efficient updates.