Captain Korek

An Interactive Subscription-Based Mobile Application For Sports Fanatics!


An immersive world of sports now available on your smartphone.

Captain Korek is an interactive mega promo campaign that Korek Telecom offers customers as a subscription-based streaming platform, providing users with live sports streams and daily chances to win high-value prizes. It also includes an interactive game where participants compete for weekly and monthly cash, prizes, and surprises.


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Challenges Solutions

  • 01.

    Difficult to stay updated with real-time football scores, and never miss out on the action.

    Integrated socket connection with Couchbase real-time data to stay up-to-date with live football scores and offered the best visual experience with pixel-perfect design tailored for optimal user experience.

  • 02.

    Absence of a common core codebase for consistent quality and reliable performance across platforms.

    Leveraged .NET code-sharing strategies to manage the performance of the application.

  • 03.

    Difficulty quickly processing large datasets without any hindrance from your server or device's CPU or memory usage. Unparalleled language support to provide a smooth transition from right to left languages like Arabic without any hiccups.

    Leveraged Monkey Cache for performing in-memory caching. Used RESX file to apply localization features with platform-specific RTL strategies.

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