
Banking Re-Invented. Securely. Anywhere. Anytime.


Enhance your digital banking experience with FirstMobile

FirstMobile is FirstBank's official mobile banking smartphone application that allows FirstBank bank customers to conduct financial and non-financial transactions using their smartphones. With an intuitive user interface, prospective customers can easily download the app and create a FirstBank account while existing customers with Verve or Naira Mastercard can register and use the app without visiting a physical branch location. Customers can purchase airtime and data, as well as generate virtual cards and schedule payments and bank transfers.


Number of Downloads

Challenges Solutions

  • 01.

    Needed to secure connection between client and server. Packages that were not secure could not be installed.

    Leveraged the AES algorithm to encrypt the data while sending the request.

  • 02.

    Absence of an available react native tool to create an easy and intuitive user interface.

    Excellent user experience paired with intuitive features and no irregularities renders this platform the most preferred, resulting in rapid user adoption.

  • 03.

    The android app was reverse-engineered to examine the JavaScript method and its implementation.

    Obfuscated the JavaScript code along with the ProGuard rules to shrink the native side code.

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