
Engineered A Mobile Application To Introduce The Innovative Concept Of Discounted Movie Tickets


State-of-art digital infrastructure for online movie-ticket booking system.

Our team of developers created the Choovie mobile application, Australia’s home of affordable cinema tickets. Choovie has a discounted movie ticket available everywhere, any day of the week, thanks to Australia's largest theater network and a special airline-style pricing structure! Popcorn and the ability to unwind and unwind aren't the only reasons to watch movies. There is also something special about laughing, crying, and jumping out of your seat with a bunch of strangers. We believe in the shared emotion that enhances the app experience for everyone.


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Challenges Solutions

  • 01.

    Lack of a reliable, scalable, and real-time online omnichannel for booking online movie tickets.

    A back-end portal with restricted user access enabled the website and mobile application controls.

  • 02.

    Absence of a data ecosystem that could mine the captured tons of data and derive meaningful and purpose-driven insights.

    Harnessed MySQL and SQLite to manage the captured data from multiple sources and ensured a seamless and real-time flow of information at the front end.

  • 03.

    An intuitive and dynamic user interface experience.

    User-centric search functionality with add-on features to improve user adoption and experience.

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