
Powering Up Competitiveness


Gaming Mastery in Your Pocket

Get ready for a gaming revolution on the go! Sklash is the ultimate online skill-based gaming app for Android and iOS. Brace yourself for intense gaming showdowns with friends and talented gamers, where real cash prizes await the skillful. Dive into non-stop action with tournaments, duels, daily contests, and leaderboards. Sklash is about to redefine gaming - anytime, anywhere.


Better User Experience

Challenges Solutions

  • 01.

    Handling sensitive user data and financial transactions requires robust security measures to prevent data breaches and fraud.

    Employed encryption protocols for data transmission, implemented secure authentication mechanisms and complied with industry standards for data protection.

  • 02.

    Organising and managing various tournaments, contests, and matches seamlessly.

    Developed a flexible and scalable backend system for contest management, implemented automated scheduling, and provided real-time updates to users.

  • 03.

    Ensuring real-time and accurate processing of cash transactions made by players on the platform.

    Implemented efficient payment gateways, optimised transaction handling algorithms, and regularly monitored and optimised financial processes.

Let's Get Started