
Modeled A Mobile App For Financial Exigency


A Financial Ecosystem designed for your investment needs.

Our seasoned developers designed a cutting-edge MintGenie platform, an all-in-one Finance and Investment APP that analyzes your investment needs and builds a customized portfolio based on your risk tolerance. It even simulates a real market without requiring any actual money. You may truly trade stocks and invest in mutual funds using virtual money in a virtual environment. You may also construct virtual portfolios.


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Challenges Solutions

  • 01.

    Difficult to get the most out of the data with customizable bubble charts in the app. Visualize trends and correlations quickly with this interactive feature.

    Make your data stand out with eye-catching bubble charts that you can customize and generate quickly in a WebView manner.

  • 02.

    Complications to make the API integration process smoother with the Smallcase & snowplow SDKs to get your data into the app effortlessly.

    Intuitive and easy to use, our customizing tool allows you to create the perfect visualizations for your data in no time..

  • 03.

    A challenge to create unique motion layouts and animations for product detail pages for an engaging user experience that brings life to your product’s details.

    Utilize the power of JavaScript code to craft your own bubble chart masterpiece.

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