
Built An Intuitive Application To Calculate Carbon Footprint


Become A Carbon Neutral Individual.

MyTree is a green panther that is on a mission to introduce tangible measures for offsetting carbon footprint. You can store, purchase, trade, and generate carbon offset credits. You can also calculate your personal carbon footprint. Solving climate change requires reducing carbon emissions and also helps them adopt techniques that would manage carbon offset banking.


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Challenges Solutions

  • 01.

    Difficult to build a digital asset that accelerates offsetting carbon footprint.

    Users can calculate their carbon footprint by answering quick questions about their lifestyles.

  • 02.

    An intuitive UI/UX for engaging user navigation.

    Users can purchase and sell as many trees as they want or even gift them to their friends.

  • 03.

    A secure online marketplace to buy, sell, and gift trees.

    Insights through detailed graphs give an idea about available carbon offset and carbon footprint details.

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